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This life changing teaching is a must for all Christians. Pastor Steve Cioccolanti exposes the tactics satan has used since he first communicated with Eve, in the Garden of Eden. His ploy was successful then and he and his wicked demons continue to deceive people with just four common tactics. Even brand new Christians know Satan’s agenda is to kill, steal and destroy us but we continually fall prey to his tricks, because he is the master of deception and the father of lies. This sermon is full of the wisdom God placed in the Bible for Christians to learn what our authority looks like, and exactly how easily doubt and deception can rob anyone of the fullness of God, for their life.

In 2 Corinthians 4:3 the Apostle Paul teaches us that the gospel is hidden by Satan. Throughout the Bible, God explains the tactics the devil uses and here Pastor Steve will decipher them for you. This clear teaching will highlight how satan has been perverting the world since his first word to mankind. Satan is still seeking his revenge for God kicking him out of Heaven. Be certain you know exactly what his ploys might be. 

Demons Exposed

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