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Be Notified when Pastor Steve's

Latest Book is Published!

Fill out the contact form below and INSTANTLY receive a chapter of Pastor Steve's newest work, "Get Prayers Answered," as a downloadable PDF! 

This gift to subscribers of Discover Ministries is an excerpt from my new book GET PRAYERS ANSWERED. Simply put, it’s a collection of prayers that got answers from God across 30 years of ministry. 


You will keep this book and take it to your prayer closet often, since there are more than 50 chapters of model prayers. Every chapter is organized by different topics and contains prayers that cover different needs. Common to all of them is the fact that they are all "answered prayers”. Some felt delayed, but none was disappointed. The two most common prayer requests are contained in this book: 


- how to get healed

- how to get your loved ones saved

Every chapter contains prayers that worked. Some contain Biblical teachings and testimonies; others contain only prayer without any explanation. The chapter you’re holding--Chapter 13--is a much needed lesson on deliverance from various oppressions, injustices and Satanic attacks. It serves as an intro to a book that is packed full of revelation and answers. 


Pray God’s way. And no matter how you feel, keep looking up! 

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Steve Cioccolanti, BA, M.Ed., is a Christian social media influencer with over 60 million views and 360,000 followers on YouTube, the pioneer pastor of Discover Church including the world’s first 24/7 online church, and a prolific author of hundreds of videos and multiple books--including  "From Buddha to Jesus" and "The Divine Code: A Prophetic Encyclopedia of Numbers". Called “YouTube’s Favorite Pastor,” he is known for his revolutionary teachings on Bible Prophecy and Biblical Justice. Check out online church www.DiscoverChurch.Online

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